The Harvest Is Plentiful
7 Min
4 Favorites
Sean J Stevens
Mental Health & Spiritual Ally
A meditation upon Matthew 9:37-38. (Identity Affirmation from The Fall: a 21 Day Meditation Challenge.) Week One explores the true & eternal identity of self; before, since, after 'the Fall.' Week Two explores the true & eternal identity of 'The Fall' itself; prayers we *get* to pray as a result of the Fall. Week Three explores the true & eternal identity of God; the character of the God of Harvest; the God of Abundant Love. To get into the Spirit of this Meditation of Identity Affirmation, I invite you to Be Still; Adopt an attitude of Gratitude & non-judgment, especially toward yourself in this meditation; And embrace a heart & mindset of Peace & Loving Kindness. More from Sean (Harkening Deer):