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Serenade To Sleep | A Night Voyage

11 Min
4 Favorites

Tracey Marks
Mental wellness expert and educator
Dive into restful slumber with our guided meditation, "Serenade to Sleep: A Night Voyage." As the evening quiets set the stage for a night of soul rejuvenation and peaceful rest. Find your most comfortable spot, let the day's burdens lift, and embrace the tranquility of the night. Begin with a deep, relaxing body scan, releasing stress from every part of your body. Imagine yourself on a tranquil lake under the soft glow of the moon, in a boat that's as cozy as your bed, floating towards the dreamland shores. With each breath, move smoothly over calm waters, drawing closer to where dreams and consciousness blend. This meditation invites you into a deep, restorative sleep and the promise of a fresh start.