Motivate, Energize, Optimism & Awareness
11 Min
36 Favorites
Roberto Aceves
Life Coach & Zen Meditation Teacher
Guided Morning Meditation to Start Your Day with Energy, Optimism, and Awareness This new day is a gift and in the next 10 minutes, we are going to give thanks for this new opportunity to work on your goals, to re-connect with that internal energy that lives within us and give thanks for all the good things in our lives. We will also practice this positive affirmation: “Today is a beautiful day of opportunities, I am exactly where I need to be. I open myself to the universe and every moment I am improving more and more in all aspects of my life. " Repeating this positive affirmation several times a day will help you keep your attention on your purpose for the day, especially every time you notice that your attention is getting distracted...