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All That You Desire Is Within You

11 Min
Life Coaching
48 Favorites

Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
This episode of 'Ask Dorothy is a Q & A. Here I share a question that I am frequently asked by clients and which contributes to one’s feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. The question: How can I not feel bad about myself when I look at others who seem to have what I want? Answer: We feel bad about ourselves when we judge ourselves as 'less than' and as we look to what others have or do and envy this. The teaching of 'Asteya' (or non-stealing) reminds us that everything we need to be fulfilled lies within. The more we give to ourselves, the more we easily and freely want to give. The more we give of ourselves, the more riches of all kinds – worldly and spiritually – we are given. Namaste!