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Shiva: The Timeless Lord

6 Min
4 Favorites

Shiva, one of Hinduism's principal deities, embodies destruction and renewal. Known as the Destroyer within the Trimurti, which includes Brahma the Creator, and Vishnu the Preserver, Shiva's role is complex, transcending simple destruction to signify purification and regeneration. He resides on Mount Kailash, meditating deeply, yet dances the Tandava to destroy weary universes, making way for creation. Shiva is also the Lord of Yoga, mastering transcendence and inner peace. Devotees admire his contrasting personas - from the ascetic meditator to the blissful householder with Parvati. Shiva's symbols, the Trishul, and the Damaru, represent his power and the rhythm of the cosmos, inviting reverence and reflection on life's cyclical nature.