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Is Your Relationship Failing?

39 Min
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Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Is Your Marriage On The Rocks? "Is this just a fight? Or are we really in trouble?" Those are questions that we've all wondered after a yucky feeling argument with our partners. The truth is that all relationships have conflict, and "rough patches." Relationships grow and evolve, and when couples work through their differences constructively it brings them closer together. That's our marriage counseling philosophy, here at Growing Self. I genuinely believe that weathering tough times IS the path of greater intimacy and emotional depth in a relationship, and every conflict is an opportunity for connection. Really. (I'm saying that as both a marriage counselor and as a person who's been married for practically 20 years). However. There are some kinds of interactions and patterns that, when present in a marriage, must absolutely be snuffed out... and fast. If you don't attend to negative relationship patterns early on, they can take over a relationship and turn it into a seething toxic nest of anxiety, resentment, hurt feelings, anger and disconnection. If not remedied, the last stop on this sad train is divorce (or bitter, lonely cohabitation). You don't want that. On this episode of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast I'm talking about telltale signs that your marriage is getting into trouble and things that you can do to pull it back from the brink. Comments? Questions? Success Stories? Please share in the comments section below... Signs Your Relationship is Failing: Listen Now