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Fall Asleep Fast Healing Meditation

61 Min
3.9k+ Plays
150+ Favorites

Lisa Whatley
Meditation Guide, Healer, Storyteller
There are layers upon layers of yummy goodness in this one healing journey that will have you drifting away while providing deep transformational healing on all levels of your being. This journey will not only bring about a deep night’s sleep but it will also rewire your brain because I've loaded it with positive, uplifting affirmation gems. I have also masterfully infused the entire journey with divine white light healing and mixed the Ho’oponopono healing mantra subliminally throughout the journey plus the 528 Hz Love Frequency along with soothing delta wave frequencies that are associated with deep restorative sleep. If you have problems falling asleep this will be your new go-to deep sleep-guided meditation. Sweet dreams my friend! xo