Cool Way to Manifest Any Dream
12 Min
Life Coaching
12 Favorites
Denzil Oconnell
Energy Healer, Sleep & Meditation Mentor
There are many ways to manifest but few are as easy powerful ways to manifest our desires and dreams as the Manifest Your Desire in a Bottle method. Manifestation with Clarity, Action, and Affirmation work together to turn your desire into reality First know with clarity the idea that is planted in your mind space Bring the idea to rest in your heart space Do a reality check on how you feel about the subject of the manifestation If there is negativity and disbelief rewire with knowledge and through experience Breathe life and energy and prana into the subject of the manifestation Then place in a bottle and manifest into the water Repeat daily for 27 days #Manifestingyourdream #manifestation #manifestingintention