48. Let's chat about your CEO Mindset + an exercise and meditation
Tune in for: What is the CEO mindset? Why does CEO mindset matter? Journaling to tap into your new CEO New CEO meditation Become an Intention-Getter: Buy the book https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088QS37GM (10 Questions That Answer Life’s Biggest Questions) Check out the https://jessicathiefels.com/blog (Marketing With Intention Blog) Buy the course https://courses.jessicathiefels.com/courses/Mindset-Instagram-Course (Marketing From the Gut: The Instagram Marketing Course) Shop Now: https://dontaskhow.com/ (https://dontaskhow.com/) Follow Jessica and Mindset Reset Radio: https://www.instagram.com/jessicathiefels/ (Instagram) https://twitter.com/JThiefels (Twitter) https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicathiefels/ (LinkedIn)