What is a Singing Bowl? Explained by Aura

Aura Health Team
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Aura Health Team
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Aura Health Team
Aura Health is a community of hundreds of top coaches, therapists, and storytellers worldwide. We are here to provide the world’s most extensive, personalized collection of mental wellness content & services.
What is a Singing Bowl? Explained by AuraWhat is a Singing Bowl? Explained by Aura

The singing bowl, also known as a Tibetan singing bowl or Himalayan bowl, is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. It is often used in meditation, yoga, music therapy, sound healing, religious services, performances, and personal enjoyment. The soothing sounds and vibrations of the singing bowl create a sense of calm and peace, making it an effective tool for promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Originating from the Himalayan regions of Tibet, Nepal, and India, singing bowls have been used for centuries for spiritual and healing purposes. They are typically made from a blend of metals, often including gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, tin, and mercury, each representing a celestial body. However, the composition and manufacturing process can vary greatly, resulting in a wide range of sounds and resonances.

History of Singing Bowls

The exact origin of singing bowls is shrouded in mystery, with some sources suggesting they date back to the time of Buddha, around 2,500 years ago. They were traditionally used in Buddhist practices for meditation and ritual offerings. The bowls were often handcrafted by skilled artisans, a process that involved the careful blending and shaping of metals to create a unique sound.

Over time, the use of singing bowls spread to other parts of the world, including the West, where they have gained popularity for their therapeutic and stress-relieving properties. Today, they are used in a variety of settings, from yoga studios and wellness centers to homes and offices, providing a source of tranquility in our fast-paced modern lives.

Symbolism in Singing Bowls

Singing bowls are rich in symbolism. The circular shape of the bowl represents the universe and the concept of wholeness in Buddhist philosophy. The sounds produced by the bowl are believed to mimic the universal sound 'Om', which is considered the sound of the universe or the vibration that holds everything together.

The different metals used in the construction of the bowl also have symbolic meanings. For instance, gold represents the sun, silver the moon, copper Venus, iron Mars, lead Saturn, tin Jupiter, and mercury Mercury. These celestial bodies are believed to influence our lives, and their representation in the singing bowl is thought to bring balance and harmony.

How to Play a Singing Bowl

Playing a singing bowl involves striking the rim of the bowl with a mallet or running the mallet around the rim to produce a continuous sound. The technique may vary depending on the size and type of the bowl, as well as the desired sound effect. It requires a certain level of skill and practice to master the art of playing a singing bowl, but the process itself can be a meditative experience.

The sound produced by a singing bowl is not only heard but also felt. The vibrations can be felt in the hand holding the bowl, and if the bowl is large enough, it can be felt throughout the body when placed on the body. This tactile experience adds another dimension to the use of singing bowls in meditation and healing practices.

Striking Technique

The striking technique involves hitting the side of the bowl with a mallet. This produces a bell-like sound that can be varied in intensity and duration depending on the force and angle of the strike. The sound can be sustained by striking the bowl at regular intervals.

Striking the bowl is often used to mark the beginning and end of a meditation session. It serves as a call to attention, signaling the transition from the ordinary state of consciousness to a more focused, meditative state. The sound also helps to clear the mind and create a peaceful atmosphere.

Circling Technique

The circling technique, also known as rimming, involves running the mallet around the rim of the bowl. This produces a continuous, humming sound that can be sustained for a long period. The sound gradually builds in volume and intensity as the mallet continues to circle the rim.

The circling technique is often used during meditation and sound healing sessions. The continuous sound helps to focus the mind and promote a deep state of relaxation. The vibrations produced by the circling technique can also stimulate the body's energy centers or chakras, promoting balance and healing.

Benefits of Singing Bowls

Singing bowls offer a multitude of benefits, particularly in the realm of health and wellness. The soothing sounds and vibrations of the bowl can have a calming effect on the mind and body, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. They can also improve concentration and creativity, promote deep relaxation, and enhance the overall meditation experience.

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From a physical perspective, the vibrations produced by a singing bowl can help to relax tense muscles and improve circulation. Some practitioners also believe that these vibrations can stimulate the body's natural healing processes, helping to alleviate a variety of health conditions.

Mental and Emotional Benefits

The sounds produced by a singing bowl can have a profound effect on the mind and emotions. They can help to quiet the mind, making it easier to enter a state of deep meditation. They can also help to release emotional blockages, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.

Research has shown that the sounds and vibrations of a singing bowl can affect brainwave patterns, inducing a state of relaxation and promoting a sense of well-being. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

Physical Benefits

The physical benefits of singing bowls are largely attributed to the vibrations they produce. These vibrations can be felt throughout the body, helping to relax tense muscles and improve circulation. This can help to alleviate physical pain and discomfort, promote healing, and enhance overall physical well-being.

Some practitioners also use singing bowls for chakra balancing. The chakras are energy centers in the body, and it is believed that the vibrations of the singing bowl can help to balance and align these energy centers, promoting health and vitality.

Choosing a Singing Bowl

Choosing a singing bowl is a personal process that depends on a variety of factors, including the desired sound, size, material, and aesthetic appeal. It's important to listen to the sound of the bowl and feel its vibrations to determine if it resonates with you.

When choosing a singing bowl, consider the tone, sustain, volume, and harmony of the sound. The size and shape of the bowl, as well as the type and quality of the metal, can affect these sound characteristics. It's also important to consider the craftsmanship of the bowl, as a well-made bowl can produce a richer, more resonant sound.

Sound and Vibration

The sound and vibration of a singing bowl are perhaps the most important factors to consider when choosing a bowl. The sound should be clear and resonant, with a sustain that lasts for a significant amount of time. The vibration should be strong and consistent, and it should feel good in your hand.

Each singing bowl produces a unique sound and vibration, so it's important to listen to several bowls to find one that resonates with you. Some people believe that the right bowl will 'call' to them, producing a sound and vibration that feels just right.

Size and Material

The size and material of a singing bowl can greatly affect its sound and vibration. Larger bowls tend to produce deeper, more resonant sounds, while smaller bowls produce higher, sharper sounds. The material of the bowl can also affect the sound, with bowls made from different metals producing different tones and vibrations.

When choosing a singing bowl, consider where and how you plan to use it. If you plan to use the bowl for meditation or sound healing, you may want a larger bowl with a deep, resonant sound. If you plan to use the bowl for personal enjoyment or as a decorative item, you may prefer a smaller bowl with a higher, more delicate sound.


Singing bowls are a powerful tool for meditation, relaxation, and healing. Their rich, resonant sounds and soothing vibrations can help to calm the mind, relax the body, and promote a sense of peace and well-being. Whether you're a seasoned meditator or just beginning your journey, a singing bowl can enhance your practice and bring a touch of tranquility to your life.

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Choosing a singing bowl is a personal journey, and the right bowl for you is the one that resonates with your heart and soul. Listen to the sound, feel the vibration, and let your intuition guide you. With a bit of practice and patience, you can master the art of playing a singing bowl and reap the many benefits it has to offer.

February 29, 2024
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