What is Tummo? Explained by Aura

Aura Health Team
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Aura Health Team
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Aura Health Team
Aura Health is a community of hundreds of top coaches, therapists, and storytellers worldwide. We are here to provide the world’s most extensive, personalized collection of mental wellness content & services.
What is Tummo? Explained by AuraWhat is Tummo? Explained by Aura
Key Takeaways

Tummo, also known as 'Inner Fire' meditation, is a practice that originates from Tibetan Buddhism. This ancient technique is said to harness the body's internal energies, leading to a state of deep concentration and bliss. The term 'Tummo' itself translates to 'fierce woman', symbolizing the powerful energy that this practice is believed to awaken within the practitioner.

While Tummo is traditionally practiced by Tibetan Buddhist monks, it has gained popularity in the Western world as a form of meditation and mindfulness. Its benefits are said to include increased focus, stress reduction, and even physical warmth. This article will delve into the intricate details of Tummo, its origins, practice, and benefits.

Origins of Tummo

The practice of Tummo meditation originates from the ancient Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It is a part of the Six Yogas of Naropa, a set of yogic practices that were taught by the Indian sage Naropa in the 11th century. Tummo, being one of these six yogas, is considered a highly advanced practice and is traditionally taught only to those who have undergone extensive training in meditation and Buddhist philosophy.

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Despite its ancient origins, Tummo has gained significant attention in the West due to its purported benefits. Many practitioners report experiencing intense heat during the practice, leading to the belief that Tummo can help control the body's internal temperature. This has been the subject of several scientific studies, which we will explore in a later section.

The Six Yogas of Naropa

The Six Yogas of Naropa are a set of advanced Tibetan Buddhist practices that aim to accelerate the path to enlightenment. In addition to Tummo, these include the practices of Dream Yoga, Clear Light Yoga, Illusory Body Yoga, Bardo Yoga, and Phowa. Each of these practices is designed to help the practitioner gain mastery over different aspects of their mind and body, leading to a deeper understanding of the nature of reality.

While Tummo is perhaps the most well-known of these practices in the West, each of the Six Yogas is considered equally important in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. They are often taught as a complete system, with the understanding that each practice supports and enhances the others.

Tummo in Tibetan Buddhism

In the context of Tibetan Buddhism, Tummo is considered a highly advanced practice. It is typically taught only to those who have undergone extensive training in meditation and Buddhist philosophy. The practice involves visualizations and breathing techniques designed to awaken and harness the body's internal energies.

While the specific techniques used in Tummo can vary, the practice generally involves visualizing a flame in the body's energy center, located in the lower abdomen. This flame is then imagined to rise up the central energy channel, leading to a state of deep concentration and bliss.

Practicing Tummo

While traditionally Tummo is practiced under the guidance of a qualified teacher, there are simplified versions of the practice that can be done by beginners. These practices often involve breathing exercises and visualizations designed to generate heat in the body and focus the mind.

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It's important to note that while these simplified practices can provide some of the benefits of Tummo, they are not a substitute for the full practice as taught in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Those interested in learning the full practice of Tummo should seek out a qualified teacher.

Basic Tummo Practice

A basic Tummo practice might involve sitting comfortably with the spine straight, taking slow, deep breaths, and visualizing a flame in the lower abdomen. As you breathe in, imagine the flame growing brighter and hotter. As you breathe out, imagine the heat from the flame spreading throughout your body.

This practice can be done for as little as a few minutes a day, but regular practice is key to experiencing the benefits. As with any form of meditation, consistency is more important than the length of each individual session.

Advanced Tummo Practice

The full practice of Tummo, as taught in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, involves more complex visualizations and breathing techniques. In addition to visualizing the flame in the lower abdomen, practitioners might also visualize channels of energy running up and down the spine, and the flame moving up these channels.

These advanced practices are typically taught only to those who have undergone extensive training in meditation and Buddhist philosophy. They are considered powerful techniques for awakening the body's internal energies and achieving states of deep concentration and bliss.

Benefits of Tummo

Practitioners of Tummo report a wide range of benefits, both physical and mental. These include increased focus and concentration, stress reduction, and a greater sense of well-being. Some practitioners also report experiencing physical warmth during the practice, leading to the belief that Tummo can help control the body's internal temperature.

While these benefits are largely anecdotal, there is a growing body of scientific research exploring the effects of Tummo and similar practices. These studies suggest that Tummo may have a number of measurable effects on the body and mind.

Scientific Research on Tummo

Several scientific studies have explored the effects of Tummo and similar practices. One of the most well-known of these was conducted by Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School in the 1980s. In this study, Dr. Benson observed Tibetan monks who were able to raise their body temperature using Tummo techniques, even in cold conditions.

Other studies have suggested that Tummo and similar practices may have a range of other effects, including reducing stress, improving focus and concentration, and enhancing well-being. However, more research is needed to fully understand these effects and how they might be harnessed for health and well-being.

Personal Experiences with Tummo

Many practitioners of Tummo report profound experiences during the practice. These can include feelings of intense heat, deep concentration, and bliss. Some practitioners also report experiencing visions or insights during the practice, which they believe are a result of the awakening of the body's internal energies.

While these experiences are highly individual and can vary greatly from person to person, they are often described as deeply transformative. Many practitioners believe that Tummo can lead to a greater understanding of the self and the nature of reality.


Tummo is a powerful and ancient practice that has the potential to transform the way we understand our bodies and minds. Whether you're interested in exploring the depths of Tibetan Buddhism, improving your concentration, or simply finding a new way to relax and de-stress, Tummo offers a unique and rewarding path.

As with any form of meditation, the key to success with Tummo is regular practice. Whether you choose to explore the full practice as taught in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, or a simplified version suitable for beginners, consistency is key. With time and dedication, you too can experience the profound benefits of this ancient practice.

February 28, 2024
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